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air pollution
Air Pollution
“Fresh air and clean water have been for centuries” Air Pollution has negative impacts on the environment in which we live. It causes health problems in humans and animals, damage plants, pollutes water, threatens aquatic life, deteriorates infrastructure, and reduces visibility. The main consequences of pollution are heating, acid rain, smog, ozone depletion, etc.

 India is one among the growing countries within the world. Due to increasing urbanization, industrialization leading to the cause of air pollution in India. The major sources of air pollutants in India are factories, Industrial units, open sewage, carbon-dioxide emitted from vehicle and others. Fast rate of urbanization, industrialization and create unusual pressure on civic amenities and environment.

components of air pollution

components of air pollution
components of air pollution

An air pollutant is a substance in the air that have adverse effects on humans and the ecosystem. The substance are often solid particles liquid droplets or gases. A pollutant are often of natural origin or man-made.

 Air pollution occurs in many forms but can generally, be thought of as gaseous and particulate contaminants that are present within the earth‘s atmosphere. Gaseous pollutants include sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxide (NOx), ozone (O3), Carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), hydrogen fluoride (HF) and various gaseous forms of metals.
These pollutants are emitted from large stationary sources like fossil fuel-fired power plants, smelters, industrial boilers, petroleum refineries, and manufacturing facilities also as from area and mobile sources.

 They are corrosive to various materials that cause injury to ecosystems and organisms, aggravate respiratory diseases, and reduce visibility. Particulates are available both large and little or fine solid forms. Large particulates include substances such as dust, asbestos fibers, and lead. Fine particulates include sulfates (SO4) and nitrates (NO3).
Important sources of particulates are power plants, smelters, mining operations, and automobiles. Asbestos and nitrates not only cause health problems but also contribute to acid rain or acid deposition and reduction invisibility.

 Particulate matter, a term sometimes used instead of particulates, refers to the mixture of soil particles and liquid droplets found in the air. (Patnaik, 2009) Air pollution is a significant factor for some health conditions including respiratory infections, heart disease, and stroke and lung cancer.

 It also includes difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing, asthma and cardiac conditions. Some of the measures are undertaken to reduce the effect of air pollution like a replacement of the diesel-based vehicle, CVG buses, Metro-railways, understand and implement the tools to reduce, reuse and recycle waste products and others.

causes of air pollution

India is one among the growing countries within the world. Due to increasing urbanization, industrialization and vehicularization are leading to the cause of air pollution in India. The major sources of air pollutants in India are factories, Industrial units, open sewage, carbon-dioxide emitted from vehicle and others. 

Fast rate of urbanization, industrialization, and vehicularization create unusual pressure on civic amenities and the environment. People are facing urban numerous problems. It is one of the dispensable social infrastructures and not a profit-seeking business. The effect of air pollution can be observed in the atmosphere and its impact on human health and agriculture.

 The temperature increases in the atmosphere due to the high quality of carbon dioxide and other CFCs gases. Sometimes weather seems foggy cloudy and hazy due to the presence of harmful gases.The air quality has been degraded with time. The recent data collected by the central pollution control board in a different region shows the high graph in pollution.

 The particulate matter increases in the atmosphere due to the presence of vehicles & Industrial units. Toxic air pollutants are a class of chemicals that may potentially cause health problems in a significant way. The source of toxic air pollutants includes power plants, industries, pesticide application, and contaminated windblown dust. 

Persistent toxic pollutants such as mercury are of particular concern because of their global mobility and ability to accumulate in food chain more research is needed to fully understand the fate and effects of mercury and therefore the many other toxic pollutants.

 The Major Impact of human health

health effects of air pollution
health effects of air pollution

Respiratory and Heart problems: the consequences of pollution are alarming. They are known to create several respiratory and heart condition along with cancer, among other threats.

 Children in areas exposed to air pollutants are said to commonly suffer from pneumonia and asthma. Odors-such as from garbage, sewage, and industrial processes.

 It is a significant risk factor for some health conditions including respiratory infections, heart disease, and stroke and lung cancer. It may include difficulty in breathing, wheezing, coughing, asthma and worsening of existing respiratory and cardiac conditions.

Impact Of Environment

Air pollution is the introduction of particulates, biological, molecules or other harmful materials, into the earth‘s atmosphere, causing disease, death to humans, and damage to other living organisms like food crops or the natural or built environment.

 The presence of contaminants or pollutant substances in the air that interferes with human or welfare, or produces other harmful environmental effects. ( TheUnited States Environmental Protection Agency 2007). The atmosphere may be a complex natural gaseous system that's essential to support life on planet earth.


save earth
Save Earth

The important aspects which require priority are to improve the management and organization‘s capability and enhance people‘s participation in reducing the use of private vehicles, the use of diesel and others to reduce to emit the polluted and harmful gases appropriately.
 it has become a critical issue of India, which requires a high level of planning and management. There is a dire need to adopt technology and techniques which would be cost-effective, scientifically better, technically sound, financially viable, aesthetically beautiful, environmentally friendly and socially acceptable to people.

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